Lebanese Republic


The Lebanese Quality Management Model (LQMM) leading to the Lebanese Excellence Award (LEA) is a management approach framework based on four key Areas. Three are named “Approaches” and one is named “Outcomes”. The three “Approaches” cover the operational part of an organisation, or the way an organisation functions, while “Outcomes” are a result –or a product- of “Approaches” and “Approaches” should be continuously improved by using feedback from “Outcomes”.
There are many approaches available for an organisation to use, in order to achieve continuous positive outcomes. The general concept of linking approaches to outcomes is resumed as follows:
The planned excellent outcomes in operational and financial performance, as well as the management of customers, people and the satisfaction of society at large, originate from a balanced exercise of leadership that designs and implements policy and strategy, capitalises on its people, manages resources through efficient processes in order to produce and distribute products and services.
A. The character of the Model
The character of the Lebanese Quality Management Model is identified by the following seven principles that should be inherent to a quality management system aiming towards Excellence.

1- Back-up intuitions
Creativity and innovation are considered as a strategic objective for competitiveness. They are encouraged and supported by relevant systems and recognised by all stakeholders.

2- Lead and capitalise on people
The Human Capital of the organisation is developed, recognised, rewarded and given opportunities to use its skills effectively to align its goals with and pursue the objectives of the organisation. Equality of opportunities prevails.

3- Focus on outcomes
The effectiveness of each process, procedure, approach or action is judged only by its outcomes in favour of the stakeholders. These outcomes are measured by proper undisputable metrics.

4- Preserve experience, knowledge and creativity
‘Experience’ and ‘Learning’ are considered as key competitive advantages. They are systematically recorded and analysed in order to generate improvements. The resulting knowledge is accessible to all stakeholders.

5- Expand relationships
In the global competitive environment of today, organisations systematically seek for partnerships in order to expand their capacities, knowledge and competitive advantages by creating common values for both parties.

6- Respect Nature and Serve the Community
An excellent organisation will work to safeguard the planet for future generations and will promote “responsible citizen behaviour” by systematically devoting resources to support and serve the community and the environment.

7- ‘Delight’ the Customer
The ultimate judge of the effectiveness and efficiency of an organisation or unit is the internal and external customer (e.g. the recipient of products and services). Every change, improvement or evolution on the part of the organisation aims at ‘delighting’ the customers. This aim is supported by defined measures.

Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets