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US A.I.D. Technical Assistance Project on Lebanon`s Accession to the WTO
This 2 Million Dollar project aims at strengthening capacity at the ministry of economy and trade as well as other government
This 2 Million Dollar project aims at strengthening capacity at the ministry of economy and trade as well as other government
agencies in their negotiations in the context of Lebanon`s accession to the WTO.
USAID intends to provide, through a Contractor (the current firm contracted by USAID to deliver the technical assistance is Booz Allen & Hamilton),
USAID intends to provide, through a Contractor (the current firm contracted by USAID to deliver the technical assistance is Booz Allen & Hamilton),
technical assistance to the Ministry of Economy and Trade (MOET) in support of Lebanon`s accession to the World
Trade Organization including assisting in:
Trade Organization including assisting in:
- Developing the technical capacity of Lebanon`s institutional base for negotiating and implementing the WTO agreements through training (formal, on-the-job, and third country).
- Building awareness within the public sector, private sector, academia, and media, about the WTO, accession process and requirements,and likely impact of WTO accession on Lebanon.
- Evaluating Lebanon`s policies, laws, regulations, and institutions to identify non-conforming aspects with the WTO agreements and assisting in policy and legal reform in order to bring Lebanon`s foreign trade regime into full conformity with the WTO requirements and agreements.
- Collaborating with the Government of Lebanon in preparing all documents necessary for negotiations2 and ensuring clarity, conformity to format, and completeness.
- Developing analytical tools to facilitate negotiations and study the impact of trade liberalization on the Lebanese economy.