Lebanese Republic

Dear volunteer students,

Firstly, we would like to thank you all for the full commitment you had shown during the theoretical training hoping that you got a better idea of the nature of our tasks.

Secondly, the practical training actually starts from Monday for some of the students as per the attached schedules. Therefore, all students who already participated in the theoretical training are kindly invited to check the names’ lists attached herewith (a list shall be available for every day, starting from Monday till Saturday, Friday exclusive). Due to the huge number of volunteers willing to help the inspectors of the Consumer Protection Directorate, the Ministry was obliged to postpone the practical training for some students; provided that the Ministry will later undertake to contact all the remaining volunteers in order to took part in the inspection patrols, if they so wish. For this purpose, kindly make sure that your names are enlisted in the schedule of the days you are able to take part in, before heading to the Department or Directorate; while taking into consideration that some of the volunteers are accepted on some of the days they proposed and not all of them. Consequently, please check all the lists.

Thirdly, you shall adhere to time and arrive at the Consumer Protection Directorate as well as the Economy Departments in Governorates at 8.30 o’clock in the morning to join the inspection patrols.

Fourthly, you shall transparently fill out the weekly volunteer evaluation form (herewith attached) during the volunteering period for it is considered an integral part of your volunteer period evaluation as well as to propose improvement ideas that the Ministry will take into account  to improve the quality of the work; to be sent on weekly basis to the following e-mail address: volunteer@economy.gov.lb

It is to mention that in case you have any further inquiry about the full address of the Consumer Protection Directorate or any of the Departments of Economy and Trade in the Governorates, you can contact these numbers:

  • Directorate of Consumer Protection (Beirut Downtown - Lazarieh Building- Bloc 3- fourth floor): 01/982298
  • Department of Economy and Trade for the North Governorate (Serail of Tripoli): 06/424483
  • Department of Economy and Trade for the South Governorate (Serail of Saida): 07/720017
  • Department of Economy and Trade for Nabatieh Governorate: 07/766336
  • Department of Economy and Trade for the Bekaa Governorate (Zahle): 08/820541


For more information or any further inquiry, do not hesitate to contact the Administration and Marketing Expert, Eng. Imad Youssef on the following numbers: 01/982360, extension. 1517 or 03/856967 or by e-mail at the following address iyoussef@economy.gov.lb

We appreciate your kind cooperation and volunteering at the Ministry of Economy and Trade; and hope you inform your colleagues volunteers in case they did not receive this letter or if they are not sure of the official website.



Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets