Lebanese Republic


Related Legislation:

The Law enacted on 23 July 1962 on establishing the Lebanese Standards Institution
Promulgating Decree No. 108 for the year 1983 on the regulation of investment in canned carbonated water and beverages.
Promulgating Decree No. 71 for the year 1973, safety of all classes of food (articles inconsistent with the new consumer protection law  shall be cancelled);
Promulgating Decree No. 73 for the year 1983, as amended by Decree No. 72 for the year 1991, on possession and trading of commodities, materials and crops (articles inconsistent with the new consumer protection law shall be cancelled);
Promulgating Decree No. 31 of the year 1967 on anti-dumping policy;
Promulgating Decree No. 8475 for the year 1962 on the accession of Lebanon to the ISO;
Promulgating Decree No. 4880 for the year 1966 on imposing legal obligations regarding standards and specifications for certain foodstuffs;
Promulgating Decree No. 12253 for the year 1969 on the condition of canned and preserved food products;
Decree No. 1489 for the year 1960 on the exclusive usage of official measuring units of for packs and containers of ready-for-sale products;
Decree No. 21 for the year 1994 on specifying the official measuring units and prices to be inscribed on sealed packs or containers that contain, for the purpose of sale, locally produced or manufactured products
Decision No. 12 for the year 1993 related to the hallmarking of precious metals
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Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets