Lebanese Republic
The Consumer Protection Directorate is committed to providing the highest quality service for consumers in Lebanon.
We believe that high standards of consumer protection will help Lebanon’s economy flourish. Well informed, confident consumers are good for business. We also support legitimate businesses and through our work ensure that they can compete honestly and fairly.

In delivering our service, we will Endeavour to:  
  • Treat everyone fairly and with respect and honesty;
  • Always do the best job we possibly can;
  • Be accountable for our actions;
  • Analyze consumer problems and tailor our services accordingly 
  • Work effectively with other Government Departments and Agencies to ensure we are as effective as possible 
General Objective 
The general objective of the Consumer Protection Directorate  is "To attain a modern consumer protection framework in Lebanon that safeguards consumers’ interests". 
Service Aim
The overall aim of the Consumer Protection Directorate  is "to ensure a safe, fair and equitable trading environment exists for consumers and commerce alike." This aim will be achieved by enforcement of the consumer protection legislation, and by providing advice for consumers and businesses.
Our service priorities are set out in our business plan and these are:  
  1. Informed Confident Consumers.
  2. Informed Successful Businesses.  
  3. Enforcement of a Fair and Safe Trading Environment
  4. Efficient, Effective and Improving consumer protection services. 


Our Current focus 
  • Following consultation with our staff, consumer groups, business   
Representatives and other stakeholders, current areas where we will focus most attention are: 
  • Food Safety
  • Misleading Advertising 
  • Quality of goods 
  • High prices of goods and services and utilities
  • Consumer awareness of their rights
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Enhancing consumer confidence in the Consumer Protection


Service Standards


We will:
  • Undertake a programme of routine inspection of trade premises based on risk assessment;
  • Offer preventative advice to businesses;
  • Work with other agencies to achieve our objectives;
  • Investigate all relevant consumer complaints;
  • Provide self help advice wherever possible for consumer enquiries;
Contacting Us
We value hearing from consumers. If you have a complaint about a shop or business, contact our helpline. We may be able to assist you in resolving your complaint. In addition, your call will help us target problem areas which will benefit all Lebanon’s consumers in the future.
To apply for a complaint online, please Click Here

Consumer Protection Call Center
Call from any telephone Hot Line 1739
Or through Tel 01-982294 or Fax 01-982297

Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets