Trade exchange and balance of Lebanon with each country
اقرأ باللغة العربية
Trade exchange and balance of Lebanon with each country
For the last 5 years, till end of Dec 2018 - With top 5 exported and imported products from/to Lebanon Click on each country name or group of countries in red color to download its PDF (PDF for countries in black color will be added soon)
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA) - Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) - Syria - Jordan - Iraq - Palestine - Egypt - Libya - Tunisia - Algeria - Morocco - Sudan - Saudi Arabia - Kuwait - Bahrain - Qatar - United Arab of Emirates - Oman - Yemen
European Union (EU) - Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Denmark - Estonia - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden- United Kingdom
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - Iceland - Liechtenstein - Norway - Switzerland
Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) - Armenia - Belarus - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Russia
Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) - Argentina - Brazil - Bolivia - Chile - Colombia - Ecuador - Guyana - Paraguay - Peru - Surinam Uruguay - Venezuela
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) - Benin - Burkina Faso - Cabo Verde - Ivory Coast - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea - Guinea Bissau - Liberia - Mali - Niger - Nigeria - Senegal - Sierra Leone - Togo
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) - Burundi - Comoros - Democratic Rep.of Congo - Djibouti - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Eswatini (Swaziland) - Kenya - Madagascar - Malawi - Mauritius - Rwanda - Seychelles - Somalia - Uganda - Zambia - Zimbabwe - (Egypt - Libya - Sudan - Tunisia are also members of GAFTA, so see them above)
Rest of the World Australia - Bangladesh - Central African Republic - China - Iran - India - Japan - Mozambique - Pakistan - Panama - Republic of Congo - Sri Lanka - South Africa - South Korea - Tanzania - Thailand - Turkey - Turkmenistan - United States