Association Agreement
The Association Agreement between Lebanon and the EU, Which replaced the 1977 Cooperation Agreement, consists of three major components: political and security issues; economic and financial partnership; and partnership in social and human affairs.
The entry into force of the EU-Lebanon Interim Agreement on trade and commercial issues on 1 March 2003 formally triggered the start of the 12 year transition period to free trade, one of the fundamental planks to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
Ratification of the EU-Lebanon Association Agreement by all Member States took place on 14 February 2006. The Agreement will enter into force on April 1st 2006.
First to vote on the treaty was the Lebanese Parliament on 2 December 2002.
The European Parliament followed suite on 15 January 2003 with a vote in favor of the Agreement.
Protocols (Association Agreement)
List of agricultural and processed agricultural products falling under HS chapters 25 to 97 referred to in articles 7 and 12
Intellectual, industrial and commercial property referred to in Article 38
concerning arrangements applicable to imports into the Community of agricultural products originating in Lebanon referred to in Article 14(1)
concerning arrangements applicable to imports into Lebanon
of agricultural products originating in the Community referred to in Article 14(2) |
on trade between Lebanon and the Community in processed agricultural products referred to in Article 14(3)
Protocol 3 / Annex 1 (list 1)
concerning arrangements applicable to imports into the Community of processed agricultural products originating in Lebanon
Protocol 3 / Annex 1 (list 2)
Protocol 3 / Annex 1 (list 3)
Protocol 3 / Annex 2
concerning arrangements applicable to imports into Lebanon of processed agricultural products originating in the Community
concerning the definition of the concept "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation
on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters