Lebanese Republic



Financing landscape

Click for financial landscape in PDF (with embedded links)

Microcredits  |  Subsidized loans  |  Credit guarantees  |  BDL incentive loans  |  Equity financing  |  Crowdfunding  |  Other forms of financial support

Given the fast growing markets and the different challenges facing SMEs, the choice of appropriate financial tools is critical for the success of a business.

The following provides an overview of funding options available on the market today. It is important to remember that most institutions  require a feasibility study and/or a business plan, prior to making any investment or releasing funds.



Do you have an idea and need the extra push to kick start your newly established business?

Microcredit institutions in Lebanon provide micro and small loans for start-ups, employees and micro-entrepreneurs. These institutions aim at
improving the social, cultural, economic, health and livelihoods of rural Lebanese by providing, in addition to financing, various types of assistance
programs and development services. Facts about microcredit programs:

  • Typical loan ranges between $1,000 and $15,000, with a maximum around $50,000.
  • Some institutions require collaterals, feasibility studies and experience in the field of work.
  • Loan utilization could take the form of a working capital, fixed asset and/or property investments. Monies/Loans are not allowed for use in the
  • purchase of commodities or securities,in performing speculation, or for personal use or the purchase of private cars.


Al Majmou’a

Al Majmoua offers group and individual loans, and free non-financial services to its borrowers and non-borrowers through its network of 22 branches all over Lebanon.

Products and Services Debt financing.
Targeted Groups Micro-entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-360916


Description Vitas seeks to provide financial products and services to meet the needs of customers, foster the long-term development of individuals, their businesses, their families and the communities in which they live. In the light of this mission, Vitas has persevered to provide its services to the Lebanese communities for the past sixteen years, with the utmost commitment to transparency and high-quality service to its customers. Vitas aims to provide financial products and services that respond to its clients’ needs and foster the long-term development of individuals, their businesses, their families and the communities in which they live.
Products and Services

Debt financing.
Enterprise loans.
Personal loans.
Home improvement loans.

Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors Agriculture.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-5-959859


Description Emkan Finance S.A.L. was founded in response to the substantial yet unmet demand for financial services by the low income economically active individuals, and limited economic stimulants in local communities. The main objective of Emkan Finance is to provide microfinance services through its branches in Akkar, Beirut, Chtoura, Dora, Sidon, Tripoli and Tyre, to the largest number of economically active low-income individuals in Lebanon.
Products and Services Debt financing.
Micro-Enterprise loans.
Personal loans.
Home improvement loans.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria Existing micro or small enterprise owners (for more than 1 year).
Employee (for more than 1 year).
Age between 18 and 67 years old.
Lebanese nationality holder or permanent resident on Lebanese territories.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-814901/2/3


Association for the Development of Rural Capacities
Description ADR’s mission is to empower the marginalized and help them make a better living through economic and social development projects. Specific objectives are: Give access to training, tools, information and financial services.
Give better access to labor market and help to set income generating projects.
Encourage partnership and decentralized cooperation.
Projects are designed and implemented according to the wishes and needs of the local population. The continuous private and institutional support has allowed the Association to sustain its activities that are currently provided through four programs: Agriculture, micro credit, social services and vocational training.
Products and Services Micro credits.
Vocational training.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-742046


Association d’Entraide Professionnelle
Description AEP is a non-profit organization, working for socio-economic development in the field of microfinance. Through its credit system, AEP aims to: Prevent the insolvency of small shareholders.
Promote their integration into the local and national economy.
Create new jobs.
Strengthen links between various social groups.
AEP offers an economic initiative to those usually excluded, monitoring and supporting them until the economic maturity of their project, while introducing a formal system of savings and credit.
Products and Services Micro finance.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria Approval of a loan by AEP depends on the personal, family and financial situation of the applicant and the project to be financed.
AEP favors people with one dependent, a modest income and who has had difficulty obtaining a loan from a bank.
The project must be professional and not personal, achievable and productive. A feasibility study will be carried out by AEP before loan approval.
Cost of Service Approximately 10% interest rate.
For More Details +961-1-382610


Makhzoumi Foundation
Description Makhzoumi Foundation is a National, not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The foundation aims to mobilize resources, build partnerships and develop the capacities of our community in Lebanon while promoting targeted education, affordable healthcare, workable startups, sustainable development and secured livelihoods.
Products and Services Micro credits.
Vocational training.
Healthcare program.
Development program.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria A candidate who qualifies for enrollment in MF MCP should:
Be a Lebanese citizen.
Have a project in the process of establishment or development or be presently employed in a near minimum wage job.
Be over 18 years of age.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-660890/1/2


FNB Finance
Description FNB Finance S.A.L. (previously known as Capital Finance Company S.A.L. – CFC) is a Lebanese joint stock company registered under N. 75922 in the commercial register on July 27, 2000 and listed under N. 28 on August 29, 2000 on the financial institution list. The principal activity of the company is to provide Credit Facilities to Individuals and Companies, in addition to other activities including investment, financial management and technical advice. However, the company’s operations are currently limited to extending Loans Since its Foundation, FNB Finance S.A.L. (previously known as CFC) established itself as an industry leader and continues to play a key role in setting the standards by which the consumer finance industry conducts business.
Products and Services Loans.
Debt financing .
Credit cards.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-371102/6


Al Tamkeen
Description Al Tamkeen aims at improving the social, cultural, and economical and health livelihood of rural Lebanese citizens through providing various types of assistance programs and development projects. Al Tamkeen has designed and implemented a rural enterprise development program that includes the provision of micro and small loans to start-up or develop businesses in rural Lebanon coupled with capacity building for rural enterprises. This program aims at creating jobs and increasing the income of rural families, and thus promotes economic incentives to enhance return of the displaced and reduce migration of rural residents to urban areas.
Products and Services Micro finance.
Training programs.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors Trade.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-5-805026




Subsidized loans

Do you need help in gaining access to a loan or lowering your interest rates?

Subsidized loans aim to support start-ups and SMEs operating in key sectors such as: tourism, industry, agriculture, handicrafts and computer technologies. These loans are characterized by a number of benefits such as: government subsidies and lending rates.

  • The loan is to be entirely invested in Lebanon in order to finance a new project or complete an existing one. By using a minimum value of LBP 50 Million or its equivalent in US dollars or Euros.
  • The term of the loan must range between 5 and 7 years. 15% of the payback may be demanded within the first two years.
  • The total value of subsidized loans granted to one single institution or to one single economic group must not exceed LBP 15 Billion or its equivalent in US dollars or Euros. In case the debtors are not considered a single economic group, the total value must not exceed LBP 60 Billion.
  • Specific interest and commissions will apply (before computing the government subsidy which is equivalent to 4.5%, starting 1/1/2012).
  • Loans in Lebanese pounds should not exceed the interest rate on two years Treasury Bills plus 1.075%.
  • Foreign currency loans should not exceed the three-month Libor or Euribor rate plus 7.075%.
  • The majority of banks* in Lebanon provide subsidized loans. However, the loan’s purpose must exclude financing real estate properties, financing vehicles for transportations purposes, financing working capital needs and financing the purchase of company shares.

*Contact your commercial bank for more details on subsidized loans


Credit guarantees

Get support in overcoming the guarantee hurdles that often come with bank loans.

A credit guarantee is a form of insurance that covers the lender’s cost in case the borrower defaults. Bank guarantees allow SMEs to access larger debt values in order to invest more in growing their business activity. By benefiting from credit guarantee support, SMEs can gain access, at low
risk, to loan amounts that match their financial needs.

Description Kafalat is a Lebanese financial company with a public concern that assists small and medium sized enterprises to access commercial bank funding. Kafalat helps SMEs by providing loan guarantees based on business plans / feasibility studies that show the viability of the proposed business activity. Kafalat targets SMEs and innovative start ups that belong to one of the following economic sectors: industry, agriculture, tourism, traditional crafts, and high technology.
Products and Services Kafalat Basic – up to LBP 300 Million.
Kafalat Innovative – up to LBP 300 Million.
Kafalat Start-ups and Innovation – up to LBP 650 Million.
Kafalat Trees – up to LBP 480 Million.
Kafalat Small Farmers – up to LBP 65 Million.
Kafalat Energy – from LBP 600 Million to LBP 1,320 Million.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Innovative startups.
SME with limited liabilities.
Loan Duration Up to 7 years including a grace period that can reach 12 months.
Interest Rates LBP – 40% of the 1 year Lebanese Treasury Bills Yield (TBY’s) + 3%.
USD – 1 year Libor + 5.5%.
Down-payment Depending on chosen program.
File Feeds to BDL 400,000 LBP.
Kafalat Guarantee Between 70% and 90% of the loan principal and interest (depending on chosen program). Against this guarantee a 2.5% commission is applied on the outstanding loan balance plus interest rate on a yearly basis.
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria Feasibility study and cash flow projection are mandatory.
Individuals are not eligible for Kafalat Plus and Kafalat Innovation.
The guaranteed loan is used for business development, to establish a viable new production capacity, or to sustain current production and employment.
No guarantees of any form are allowed for Kafalat Plus and Kafalat Innovative.
For More Details +961-1-341300


Description The Economic and Social Fund for Development (ESFD) Project is part of the EURO-Med partnership established between the European Commission (EC) and the Republic of Lebanon in November 2000. The ESFD reached out to the poor through systematic and sustainable partnerships with competent intermediaries (Banks, Municipalities, NGOs, others). The job creation component aims at creating employment opportunities through the provision of financial and non-financial services to small and medium enterprises. Loans are provided to improve access to finance for productive and sustainable activities with significant impact on poverty alleviation. Business Development Services (BDS) are provided to ensure the viability and sustainability of submitted projects.
Products and Services Business loans to SMEs through the network established with five commercial banks.
Un-banked borrowers (i.e. not having received commercial facilities from a bank before).
Borrowers working in any un-banked private sector business activities (i.e. sectors considered risky by banks).
Borrowers with insufficient or non “bankable” collateral.
Emphasis is given on start-ups.
Emphasis is given on financing businesses that are expecting to create jobs.
Loan Amount Minimum loan amount: undefined, but no micro-loans (loans financed or approved by NGOs as per Banque du Liban’s definition).
Maximum loan amount LBP 75 Million.
Loan Duration Minimum: 6-12 months.
Maximum: 60 months incl. grace period, if any.
Grace period: maximum of 12 months.
Interest Rates Average interest rates to end borrowers varies between 10% and 14%.
Down-payment Not required.
Guarantee The ESFD guarantees 50% of the loan principal and accrued interest for 120 days.
Targeted Sectors All private sector business activities: Agriculture, Trade, Services, and Industry.
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria Viable business plan and solid cash flow.
Loans can be used against working capital and/or fixed assets (no commodities, securities, speculation, personal use, private/passenger cars).
The ESFD targets both start-up and existing enterprises.
Registration at the commercial registry is not mandatory.
For More Details +961-1-373460/1/2


BDL incentive loans

How can BDL’s incentives programs help you achieve your goals?

The Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) has been focusing on stimulating private sector investments and is providing in this respect incentives targeting productive sectors. The purpose of this strategy is to lower the cost of borrowing and encourage investments in sectors such as tourism, agriculture, industry, IT, education and environment. These loans include*:

  • Loans granted for development projects in tourism, agriculture, industry and handicrafts, as well as to local firms that manufacture information technology equipment, design programs and specialized technologies, and offer related services (excluding loans guaranteed by Kafalat S.A.L.).
  • Loans granted in LBP to small and medium enterprises in the industrial, agricultural, tourism, handicrafts industry and high technology sectors, guaranteed by Kafalat S.A.L. and benefiting from the government subsidies.
  • Loans granted in LBP with the approval of micro credit institutions to individuals and small enterprises of four people or less, in order to help them create or develop their own projects in the production, services, tourism or commercial fields (including information technology, internet…).
  • Loans granted in LBP to finance new projects or expand existing ones (not benefiting from government subsidies).
  • Loans granted in LBP to finance working capital of projects funded through loans that benefit from a government subsidy or loans referred to in paragraph 4 above, after 1/1/2015.
  • Loans granted in LBP to the productive sectors within the “Guarantee of Small Enterprises” program, such as loans guaranteed by the Economic and Social Fund for Development.
  • Loans granted in LBP to entrepreneurs to finance new projects in the field of knowledge and innovation.
  • Loans granted in LBP to finance Research and Development Ventures in productive sectors.
  • Loans granted in LBP to support tuition fees in higher education institutions (academic, vocational or technical).
  • Loans in LBP to support environmental projects in rural and regional areas in the field of Energy and Renewable Energy. Not subsidized by the Government.
  • Loans in LBP to support Lebanese production in terms of Art (Cinema, acting, TV shows, books, etc.).
  • Loans in LBP to support environmental projects in the field of Energy (including loans’ programs from European Investment Bank EIB and Agence Française de Développement AFD, UNDP, World Bank).


The Lebanon Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Financing Facility (LEEREFF)

The Lebanon Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Financing Facility (LEEREFF) – developed by European Investment Bank (EIB) and the French Development Agency (AFD) – aims to support investments in energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energies (RE) by private companies in Lebanon. See the LEEREFF pamphlet.

Products and Services
  • A credit line with a total amount of EUR 80 million, funded by the EIB (EUR 50 million) and AFD (EUR 30 million).
  • Interest rate subsidies, provided by the Banque du Liban (BDL).
  • Free Technical Assistance for project implementation funded by the European Union (EU).
Investment Area covered by LEEREFF funding
  • Renewable energy (solar, hydropower, biomass, geothermal, wind power).
  • Energy efficiency in industries and existing buildings.
  • Green Buildings with Platinum or Gold certification according to LEED rating system or equivalent standards.
Targeted Groupd
  • Private enterprises.
  • Firms.
  • Businesses.
  • Sole proprietors.
  • Other private legal entities formed under the laws of Lebanon and operating in Lebanon, including Energy Service Company (ESCO).
Targeted Sectors
  • Trade & commerce.
  • Agriculture.
  • Hospitality & Healthcare.
  • Education.
  • Manufacturing, including food, textiles machines, etc.
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria

LEEREFF provides favorable terms and conditions with interest rates subsidized by BDL and long loan tenures. The basic terms are:

  • Interest Rate: X% fixed for the entire duration of the loan.
  • Loan Tenure: Up to 15 years.
  • Grace Period: Up to 4 years.
  • Furthermore, LEEREFF may be combined with other subsidized funding sources.
Please contact one of our partner banks for further details: Audi Bank, Fransabank, BLC, SGBL and Byblos Bank.
For More Details

Nassif Karam Building, 240 Badaro Street, 3rd Floor, Beirut/Lebanon


Equity financing

Are you looking for investors to share your risk while utilizing their resources and network in exchange for equity ownership?

Equity financing is a good alternative in case you are an entrepreneur with an innovative and promising idea or business, yet you are unlikely to have sufficient collateral to justify a loan. This route is also attractive in case you are looking for investors to share your risk and help your business grow by bringing in their expertise and opening up their networks in exchange for equity ownership.

Seed, venture capital and private equity for startups and SMEs are available in Lebanon. Choosing an equity financing solution depends on a number of factors, including: type of business and sector, company or product development phase, the value of the investment required and other business needs. In addition, the Central Bank of Lebanon issued Circular 331* in August 2013, whereby it introduced a new financing scheme that encouraged and allowed banks to invest in the capital of startups, accelerators and incubators. Banks wishing to finance such companies will benefit from interest free loans from the BDL guaranteeing up to 75% of banks’ investment for a maximum period of seven years.

*Contact your bank for more details on the BDL Circular 331.


Berytech Fund 2
Description Berytech Fund II is a 51 million US Dollar Beirut-based Venture Capital Fund. The funds were received from major banks in Lebanon under the Circular 331 issued by the Central Bank. The Fund’s objective is to invest in small and medium-sized Lebanese enterprises with high growth potential, high human added value and that fall in the scope of the knowledge economy.
Products and Services Equity financing.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors Information & Communication Technology, Digital Content, Industrial & Product Design, Fashion Design and Renewable Energies.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-612500


Image result for euromena funds THE EUROMENA Funds
Description Founded in 2005, the EuroMena Funds (part of the Capital Trust Group) is one of the MEA region’s leading private equity firms specialized in emerging markets with a track record of successful investments. With over a decade of experience in the MEA region, the EuroMena Funds has invested more than $350 million dollars across three private equity funds.
Products and Services Private Equity.
Real Estate.
Corporate Finance.
Targeted Groups N/A.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-368968


Levant Investment Bank
Description LIBANK is a hub for high net worth individuals, families, and institutions that seek exposure to quality advice, deposits, custody, and asset allocation. LIBANK’s presence is concentrated in Beirut and London, with an international client base across the Middle East, the UK, Europe, and Latin America.
Products and Services Equity Financing.
Asset Management.
Investment Banking.
Private Banking.
Targeted Groups SMEs
Targeted Sectors Private equity products include investments in media, education, digital tourism, technology, and fashion.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-360916


Home Cedar Mundi Ventures
Description Cedar Mundi aims to to build a corporate driven innovation network advocating Lebanon as a tech hub for best-in-class startups under the guidance of the Banque du Liban and to provide them with the ultimate support in growing and expanding into international markets.
Products and Services Equity financing.
Targeted Groups Startups.
Targeted Sectors Technology.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-422590


Lucid Investment
Description Lucid Investment Bank SAL is regulated by the Central Bank of Lebanon under license #142. Lucid was previously regulated as a Financial Institution in Lebanon since 2012. Originally, it was established in 2003 as a specialized corporate financial advisory firm offering high-end financial advisory. Lucid’s mission is to guide high net worth investors and their subsidiaries to growth through its combined private banking and investment banking platform.
Products and Services Equity Financing.
Debt Financing.
Mezzanine Financing.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Growth companies.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1- 999533


Middle East Venture Partners
Description MEVP is a Middle East-focused venture capital firm that invests in the early and growth stages of innovative companies run by talented entrepreneurs primarily, but not exclusively, in the Middle East Region with a focus on the GCC and Levant countries. The MEVP group operates from a number of jurisdictions including Dubai and Beirut.
Products and Services Equity financing.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors ICT.
Creative industries.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-999605/4


Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises (iSME)
Description The iSME Programme is a US$ 30 million initiative funded by the Government of Lebanon through a loan from the World Bank. The programme aims to encourage the equity investment market to increase early stage investment finance for financially viable, new, and existing innovative firms. The iSME fund will only make equity investments in companies alongside an approved investor who is also providing new equity. The iSME facility can provide second and third round of co-equity financing with an approved Investor Partner to the same venture if judged to be viable and potentially profitable after review and approval of the IC on the requested additional financing deal.
Products and Services Equity Co-Investments.
Concept Development Grants.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors ICT.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria To qualify for the equity investment financing, the entrepreneur must have a commitment from an investor to invest in the firm. Having acquired a commitment the partner investor and the entrepreneur can then approach iSME to seek a co-investment participation that will share the initial investor’s risk and add to the capital available to the new business.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-341300


Phoenician Funds
Description Founded in 2015, Phoenician Funds is at the heart of thriving capitals of digital innovation and startup ecosystems in the Middle East and North Africa Region. The team includes seasoned advisors, devoted problem solvers and serial entrepreneurs, who share a passion for technology and proactively seek opportunities in sectors that are ripe for disruption. The team actively supports founders to co-shape successful ventures in the early stages of investment, and create value across the investment life-cycle. Phoenician Funds provides strategic guidance, market access and insights, linkages to proprietary networks as well as proven execution capabilities to drive long-term success of our portfolio companies. The team launched Phoenician Fund I (“PF I”) in 2016, which primarily focuses on seed and early stage companies operating in Fintech and other attractive sectors in MENA.
Products and Services Equity financing.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors ICT.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-328233


Saned Partners
Description Saned Partners is an independently managed Venture Capital fund, aiming to nurture early-stage companies in the MENA region into growth and profitability. Saned’s mission is to partner with entrepreneurs and to provide them with the means and resources to turn their projects into established, best-in-class businesses that offer exceptional all-around value to stakeholders.
Products and Services Venture capital.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Early stage companies.
Targeted Sectors Information Technology.
Light Manufacturing.
Food & Beverage.
Consumer Services.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-669461/2


B&Y Venture Partners
Description B&Y Venture Partners started with a clear idea: to create the go-to venture capital fund for early-stage technology startups in MENA. B&Y invests in visionary and high-impact founders aiming to create new markets or transform existing ones. B&Y believes that success comes from building strong and supportive relationships with the entrepreneurs we back. B&Y’s team has a history of success as both investors and founders and can provide value to our portfolio companies through resources, mentorship and an extensive global network of connections. B&Y invests in startups across 2 stages: seed and growth. B&Y seeks to back exceptional founders who are building disruptive, market transforming consumer facing and enterprise software companies.
Products and Services Equity financing.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors ICT.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-661830


IM Capital
Description Insure and Match Capital (IM Capital) provides Matching Capital, Equity Guarantee, and Support Programs to a broad range of qualified early-stage business and investors in Lebanon. IM Capital matches new private sector investments with selected investment partners and/or qualified angel investors to support Early-Stage Businesses and Investments. IM Capital provides Qualified Investors (angels and institutions) with a partial guarantee on investments in Early-Stage Businesses and on Venture Capital Syndicated Pooled Investments, thus mitigating associated risks and encouraging increased capitalization.
Products and Services Matching Capital.
Equity Guarantee.
Support Programs.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Early Stage Startups.
Targeted Sectors ICT.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria To qualify, early-stage businesses and investors must have a committed capital from qualified investor(s) (angel(s) or institution(s)). Early-stage businesses and investors can then seek a matching participation from IM Capital (up to 50% matching of total outside capital, with a maximum ticket depending on the venture stage), thus sharing investors’ risk and adding to the company’s capital.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details +961-1-649555


Leap Ventures
Description Leap Ventures is a tech-focused entrepreneur-led venture capital firm that operates in MENA and Europe. At Leap, we seek to actively partner with entrepreneurs with innovative ideas in order to quickly accelerate and scale their vision and operations globally. Leap’s value-add platform and extensive international network provide entrepreneurs with the tools to sharpen their technology edge, develop their customer base, recruit top talent, and structure their operations in order to heighten their ability to face hyper growth.
Products and Services Equity financing.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors ICT.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria N/A.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details businessplan@leap.vc


Image result for theemar tripoli Theemar Tripoli Investment Fund
Description Theemar Tripoli Investment Fund is a USD25million multi-stage private equity fund dedicated to invest in SMEs and entrepreneurs in Tripoli. Its main objective is to create economic growth and increase employment. Theemar is looking to invest in entrepreneurs and SMEs in different stages of evolution, from early stage (prototype completed) to maturity stage, as long as there is significant potential for growth.
Products and Services Equity Financing.
Business planning.
Strong network.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Targeted Sectors All sectors
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria The product or service need to be a differentiated product or service (innovative or creative or undersupplied) with a sustainable competitive advantage. Also need to be scalable to reach a larger customer base. In addition, the project needs to be launched from Tripoli or benefit Tripoli.
Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details www.theemartrablos.com


Flat 6 Labs
Description Flat6Labs Beirut in partnership with ArabNet is a startup seed program and an early stage fund that will help accelerate the Lebanese startups’ growth and provide the steady pipeline to the rapidly growing Lebanese venture capital industry. Through its expansive and wide-reaching network and numerous partnerships, Flat6Labs Beirut also provides Lebanese entrepreneurs with the scaling opportunities to access wider markets regionally and internationally.
Products & Services Funding.
Perks & Services.
Legal Support Office Space.
Networking & Exposure.
Targeted Groups Seed Businesses.
Targeted Sectors All sectors.
Conditions & Eligibility Criteria Multiple stage screening processes involving top applicants in order to find the best candidates to join the program.
For More Details www.flat6labsbeirut.com


Image result for Angels Lebanon Angels Lebanon
For More Details +961-71-645404


Image result for Lebanese Women Angel Fund (LWAF) Lebanese Women Angel Fund (LWAF)
For More Details +961-1-649555


Image result for fondation diane Fondation Diane
For More Details +961-1-641211


Touch MIC TelcoFund by MTC Touch
For More Details www.touch.com.lb


Daher Capital
For More Details info@dahercapital.com



Let the crowd help you fund your project.

Crowd-funding is a new financial trend currently picking up across the world. Crowd-funding platforms play a channeling role between entrepreneurs and a large number of individuals pooling their money together in order to make equity investments in start-ups. Recently, the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) issued a decree to regulate crowd-funding activities in Lebanon. This decree allows crowd-funding institutions to set up an electronic platform, whereby startup companies can raise funds on the condition of meeting a minimum amount of capital of LBP 30 Million or $20,000 USD. In addition, the decree mandates that crowd-investors’ direct and indirect investments in any given company are to range between LBP 750,000 and LBP 15 Million, or its equivalent in US Dollars.


Description Zoomaal is a crowd-funding platform that supports creative projects in the Arab world to get funding for their work. Using crowd-funding to collect the funds, project owners no longer have to get loans or provide equity to fund their projects. In addition to the funding, projects get a lot of exposure throughout the process. Both project owners and backers and sponsoring companies benefit from crowd-funding. Individuals who back projects will benefit from the rewards that are offered by project owners.
Products and Services Crowdfunding.
Targeted Groups Creative Professionals.
Film Producers.
Targeted Sectors High-tech.
Community & Social Events.
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria Must have a project with clear starting date and end date with defined outcomes.
Cost of Service 5% only from successfully funded projects.
For More Details info@zoomaal.com


Other forms of financial support

Description Alfanar (meaning 'beacon” in Arabic) is the first venture philanthropy organisation in the Arab world that provides funding, management support, mentorship and training to social enterprises across all sectors with a particular focus on education, job creation and women empowerment.
Products and Services Grants up to 500K GBP and repayable grants.
Targeted Groups Growth stage social enterprises registered as SAL, SARL or NGOs.
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria Need to meet Alfanar's selection criteria and to get approved by the Alfanar Investment Committee & Board after due diligence and submission of an Investment Application Document.
Cost of Service Interest Rate: 0%.
Down-payment: none.
File Fees to BDL: no.
Guarantee: n/a.
For More Details www.alfanar.org.uk


Entrepreneurial Development Foundation
Description The Entrepreneurial Development Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that promotes entrepreneurship among the less privileged in Lebanon’s rural areas and needy neighborhoods of big cities. The EDF’s objective is to assist in the improvement of the county’s overall socio-economic well-being.
Products and Services Business loans.
Training program.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria Lebanese national.
Age between 21 & 60.
Sound business proposal.
Good business reputation.
Cost of Service 20% per annum (declining).
For More Details edf-lebanon.org


Image result for batroun traders association Tatwir (by the Batroun Traders Association and BIAT)
Description Competition that aims at supporting SMEs and Startups in Batroun by financing startup activities or expanding existing businesses (more information - in Arabic).
Products and Services

Financing can be (depending on the project’s specifications and as per the jury’s decision and up to a maximum of $10,000 USD):

  • Through a loan;
  • Through a donation;
  • Partially through a loan and partially through a donation.
Targeted Groups SMEs implemented in Batroun whether they are startups or existing businesses.
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria

The program selects first 5 applicants matching the criteria of selection based on:

  • The eligibility of the entrepreneur;
  • The idea of the project;
  • The feasibility of the project in terms of contributing in boosting the economy of Batroun.
Cost of Service Depends on the support received.
For More Details +961-76-702525


Image result for mawred Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy)

Founded in 2004, Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy) is a regional, non-profit organization that seeks to support artistic creativity in the Arab region and to encourage cultural exchange between intellectuals and artists within this region and abroad.

Products and Services Grants.
Training programs.
Cultural resource supports.
Targeted Groups Entrepreneurs.
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria


Cost of Service N/A.
For More Details mawred.org


For correction or inclusion of additional information, please contact us at sme@economy.gov.lb


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Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets