Lebanese Republic


  • Accreditation – a formal recognition that a body is competent to carry out specific tasks
  • Calibration – operation establishing the relation between quantity values provided by measurement standards and the corresponding indications of a measuring system, carried out under specified conditions and including evaluation of measurement uncertainty
  • Certification – a third party evaluation whether a product or system is in conformity with international standards
  • Customer satisfaction – the marketing concept is based on keeping the customer satisfied
  • CE Marking – Conformité Européenne, indication that the product complies with the essential health and safety requirements of the relevant EC directive(s) and that the product has been subject to a conformity assessment procedure
  • Conformity Assessment – a demonstration showing that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person or body are fulfilled. Conformity assessment that takes place before the product is brought to the market and includes activities such as testing, inspection and certification, as well as accreditation of conformity assessment bodies
  • Consumer protection – laws and decrees with the objective of protecting the health and safety of consumers
  • Directives – European Union “Laws” to be implemented by member states
  • EU Single Market – formed by the member states of the European Community and creating a free movement of goods, persons, services and capital
  • Global Approach – Global Approach to conformity assessment. European Council Decision 90/683/EEC of 13 December 19905, replaced by European Council Decision 93/465/EEC of 22 July 1993 sets out more detailed specifications on testing and certification procedures and provides guidelines for the use of the CE conformity marking
  • HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) – systematic method used in the food industry to identify potential food safety hazards, so that key actions, known as Critical Control Points (CCP’s), can be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of the hazards being realised
  • Harmonised standards – standards developed and adopted in the framework of a European New Approach Directive by the European Standards Organisations, CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, on the request (mandate) of the European Commission. Harmonised Standards cover only technical aspects and/or testing methods related to the essential health and safety requirement. Technically harmonized standards do not differ from normal standards; the difference is in the legal consequences. Application of harmonised standards by a manufacturer leads to the presumption that the product is compliant with the essential health and safety requirements.
  • Market Surveillance – actions taken by the authorities to ensure that products are compliant with the requirements from technical regulations
  • Metrology – field of knowledge concerned with measurement: it includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement, whichever the measurement uncertainty and field of application
  • Metrological traceability – a property of a measurement result relating the result to a stated metrological reference through an unbroken chain of calibrations of a measuring system or comparisons, each contributing to the stated measurement uncertainty
  • New Approach Directives – European Commission directives harmonizing national legislation within the European Union and requiring obligatory CE-marking. Member states have an obligation to transpose them into their national legislation
  • National Quality Policy – the overall direction and strategy of a Government towards the field of quality
  • New Approach – a New Approach to technical harmonisation and standards, providing a new framework for the harmonisation of national regulations for industrial products. The New Approach was devised to facilitate the achievement of the Internal Market and to encourage flexible and technology-neutral legislation, thus promoting innovation and competitiveness
  • Notified Bodies – approved competent bodies that are part of the Conformity Assessment chain
  • Product liability – a legal obligation of a producer to compensate for a damage caused to human beings, animals and property, by a defect in his product
  • Quality marks – a readily identifiable label issued by a group of manufacturers
  • Quality Chain – all the elements related to the quality concept, linked together – same as quality infrastructure
  • RAPEX – a rapid exchange of information on dangers arising from the use of consumer products
  • RASSF (European Union Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) – a procedure to inform the Member States when a product presents a serious risk for the health and safety of consumers; the system was extended to include all food and feed products finally destined for human consumption
  • Standard – a published specification that establishes a common “language”; it contains a technical specification or other precise criteria and is designed to be used consistently as a requirement, a guideline or a definition
  • Standardisation – a way to facilitate interchangeability and interoperability, reducing therefore technical barriers to trade

Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets