Lebanese Republic


Metrology in Lebanon is still incomplete, in particular concerning the implementation of legal aspects. The new Metrology law No.158 was promulgated on 17 August 2011, foreseeing the establishment of the National Metrology Council (NMC) and the appointment of National Metrology Institutes. This law was prepared during the previous phases of the Quality Programme and provided for the organization and responsibilities in the fields of scientific, industrial and legal metrology, following the Directive 2009/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 relating to common provisions for both measuring instruments and methods of metrological control. However, the enforcement of this law requires the adoption of a number of implementing decrees, replacing the outdated regulations in the field and setting the rules governing metrology, to ensure proper measurement operations, according to international requirements and guaranteeing consumer protection and fair competition.

The following laboratories are currently performing calibration-related activities:

  • IRI- The Industrial Research Institute (Engineering)
  • USJ- Université Saint Joseph (Visco Meter)
  • LAEC – Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission (Dosimetry)-CNRS

Through QUALEB programme, a series of technical decrees were identified and proposed to determine the technical specifications of measuring instruments and rules for establishing and maintaining national standards.

Lebanon does not have a comprehensive functioning legal metrology system. The Metrology Law and the creation of the NMC are major steps toward its functionality. The QUALEB twinning project activities targeted the implementation of the Metrology Law and provided support for the NMC.  The beneficiary organizations need to develop and implement Metrology policies and priorities and to consider how to allocate resources to the NMC in order to support the delivery of its work

Although some activities has already been conducted in legal metrology, which were mainly on calibration of petrol pumps and tankers. The twinning project activities targeted metrology issues to strengthen Legal Metrology to support the development of new legal decrees through training and expert workshops.

Metrology is separated into three categories with different levels of complexity and accuracy; these are: Legal, Industrial, Scientific and International metrologies


Legal Metrology

Legal Metrology is concerned with measurements where these influence the  transparency of economic transactions, health and safety.

Legal metrology is operating under the authority of the Consumer Protection Directorate at the Ministry of Economy and Trade.

Lebanon does not have a fully functioning legal metrology system. The Metrology Law and the creation of the National Metrology Council are major steps toward its creation. The QUALEB twinning project activities target the implementation of the Metrology Law and the support of the Council. From the beneficiary side, it will be necessary to set metrology priorities and to consider how to allocate resources to the Council in order to support the delivery of its work

Nevertheless, there are already some activities conducted in legal metrology, mainly on calibration of petrol pumps and tankers. The QUALEB twinning project activities targeted  specific metrology issues through drafting the majority of the required decrees, as well as training and workshops.


Industrial Metrology

Industrial Metrology has to ensure the adequate functioning of measurement instruments used in industry as well as in production and testing processes.



Scientific Metrology

Scientific metrology deals with the organization and development of measurement standards and with their maintenance (highest level).

Scientific metrology is divided into 9 technical subject fields by BIPM: Mass, electricity, length, time and frequency, thermometry, ionizing radiation and radioactivity, photometry and radiometry, acoustics and amount of substance.

Metrological activities, testing, and measurements are valuable inputs to ensuring the quality of many industrial activities .This includes the need for traceability which is becoming just as important as measurement itself. Recognition of metrological competence at each level of traceability chain can be established by mutual recognition agreements or arrangements, for example the CIPM MRA and ILAC MRA in addition to accreditation and peer review.

Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets