Lebanese Republic


Round II and winners

The Presidential Palace has witnessed on the 15th of February 2012 the Lebanese Excellence Awards 2010-2011 Ceremony under the high patronage of H.E. Excellency General Michel Sleiman, the former president of the Lebanese Republic, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Nicolas Nahas, former Minister of Economy and Trade; H.E. Mr. Freij Sabounjian, former Minister of Industry; H.E. Mr. Nazem Khoury, former Minister of Environment; Chairman of the Board of Civil Service H.E. former Minister Khaled Qabbani; the Chargee d’affaires of the Delegation of the European Union to Lebanon Ms. Elsa Fennet and a large number of leading economic figures, as well as the heads of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture; the Lebanese Excellence Award jury panel members; the Association of Industrialists; Beirut Traders Association and heads of several other syndicates.

H.E. former President Michel Sleiman handed the award trophies, while former Minister Nicolas Nahas handed the award certificate to each of Mr. Zafer Chaoui, CEO of «Chateau Ksara» and Mr. Nehmat Ephrem, CEO of «Unipack Tissue mill».

LEA Round II - 2010_2011

Number of Applicants 34

2 Awarded Organizations

Chateau Ksara
Unipak Tissue Mill


Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets