Lebanese Republic


The laboratory sector of the quality infrastructure is quite well-developed part. There are around 30 testing laboratories in both the public and private sectors, including laboratories at several Lebanese universities.

However, testing laboratories cannot cover all the needs of industries, as well as those of authorities for market surveillance. Within the Quality Programme-QUALEB (Phases I and II), a selected group of  16 active laboratories received QUALEB support including new equipment, consultancy and training related to new testing methods, as well as for the implementation of laboratory management systems ISO 17025. As a result, 11 laboratories succeeded in implementing and being certified for ISO 17025 and have achieved international accreditation.

In QUALEB phase III, Nine laboratories have been identified and are now supported with technical assistance through the QUALEB Twinning Project, in preparation for ISO 17025 accreditation. Three laboratories are from the Oil Installations facilities, belonging to the Ministry of Energy and Water. One laboratory belongs to the “Université Saint Esprit De Kaslik”. The three remaining laboratories are from the Chambers of Commerce in Zahle, Saida, and Tripoli (CCIAZ, CCIAS and CCIAT) and 2 additional laboratories in the field of electrical equipment (Industrial Research Institute – IRI and MATELEC Group).

All 9 laboratories will also be assisted with the development of PT schemes. These schemes are essential for the process of accreditation.

Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets