Lebanese Republic


Statement – The Media Office of the Minister of Economy and Trade issued the following statement:

Tue 11 June 2024

As the summer season begins; and in order to protect the consumer from any exploitation or any illegal price increase, the Directorate of the Consumer Protection undertakes, under the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Economy and Trade, Amin Salam, to conduct inspection tours on tourist resorts, restaurants and car parkings. To this end, more than 71 establishments were  visited during the last two weeks.

As a result,  20 seizure reports were issued for committing various violations, mainly those related to the failure to ratify or comply with the prices lists issued by the Ministry of Tourism.

In this regard, the Directorate will pursue its inspection tours to control violations in order to refer them before the competent court to ensure the consumer’ rights protection and the laws enforcement; and consequently, to protect the consumer’ interest as well. Moreover, the Directorate assures that it will continue exerting its efforts to ensure a fair and transparent trading environment throughout the  summer season and the following ones. 

Grain and Sugar Beets

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