Lebanese Republic


Raed Khoury issued an amendment of Decision n°1/135/E.T to install electromechanical induction meters

Thu 07 June 2018

Minister of Economy and Trade Raed Khoury issued an amendment of Decision n°1/135/E.T rendered on 28/7/2017 after series of meetings held with the Minister of Energy and Water Cesar Abi Khalil and the generators’ owners. The said amendment stipulates to extend the time limit required for the generators owners to install electromechanical induction meters according to the standards approved by the Electricité Du Liban (EDL) till 1/10/2018 and to declare relevant statements to the Ministry of Economy and Trade; provided that the generator owner shall bear all costs related to the meters.

The new decision consists of other amendments, in particular those related to declarations. For any violation of this decision, the perpetrator shall be subject to penalties stipulated in the Consumer Protection Law and the Penal Code.

The text of the revised decision is set out below.   

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