New Unified Administrative Forms released and published

According to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 106 date 09.09.2004, and as part of the plan to facilitate administrative procedures, and to save time and effort on citizens,
According to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 16, dated 18/8/2011, and in support of e-government project,
The new forms following unified specifications and standards has been adopted. The links to the forms can be found below (forms are in Arabic):
The new forms following unified specifications and standards has been adopted. The links to the forms can be found below (forms are in Arabic):
- Sales Expansion ECO014
- Calibration of Tanks ECO015
- Request application for import of rough diamonds ECO016
- Request to issue a certificate to export diamonds in accordance with Kimberley Process ECO017
- Trademark Registration with statement request ECO001
- Patent Registration ECO003
- Copyright Registration ECO002
- Industrial design Registration ECO004
- Register for Branch or Representative office ECO006
- Register for Contract of Commercial Representation ECO007
- Inquiry about the exsitence of an exclusive agency ECO008
- Exhibitions Guarantee Form ECON018
- Exhibitions Request Licence Form ECON009
- Fairs Guarantee Form ECON019
- Fairs Request License Form ECON010