Lebanese Republic


New decision Issed under number 113/EC regarding the organization of the Import and trade process of palm oil and all Hydrogenated vegetable Oil

Mon 03 July 2017
The Minister of Economy and Trade, Raed Khoury, issued a decision under number 113/EC regarding the organization of the import and trade process of palm oil and all Hydrogenated vegetableOil, as follows:
The Minister of Economy and Trade,
Pursuant to the decree n°3 dated on December 18th, 2016 (the Government’ formation),
Pursuant to the law issued by decree n°2896 on December 16th, 1959 and its amendments (Organizing the Ministry of Economy and Trade)
Pursuant to the law implemented by decree n°6821 on December 28th, 1973 and its amendments (determining the functions and cadre of the Ministry of Economy and Trade),
Pursuant to the joint ministerial decision n°990/1 issued by Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Economy& Trade on October 15th, 2012 (Technical specifications regarding the trade of palm oils),
Pursuant to the law n° 659 promulgated on February 4th, 2005 and its amendments (Consumer protection),
Pursuant to the Proposal of the Director General of Economy and Trade,
In order to preserve the public health, the consumer safety and protection from counterfeit,
And after consulting the State Council opinion n° 232/ 2016-2017 on June 5th, 2017,
decides the following:
First article: this decision shall be applicable on raw and refined palm oils as well as all Hydrogenated vegetable Oils imported to Lebanon.
Second article: All importers of raw and refined palm oils as well as all hydrogenated vegetable oils shall submit a prior notice request before the Consumer Protection Directorate at the Ministry of Economy and Trade before the arrival of any goods shipment, which includes the following documents:
1- Copy of the initial invoice of the imported goods
2- Undertaking of the goods’ owners (the importer) to submit a detailed list (as well as a detailed digital list available on compact disc (CD) which shows the points of sale and /or distribution of the imported goods and includes name and address of companies, the delivered quantity and the payment numbers, etc.. according to the form adopted for this purpose every three months from the date of the entry of goods and till the quantity  runs out.
Third article: A digital copy of the lists mentioned in the section “2” of the above mentioned second article shall be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture- Department of Economy, Manufacturing and Marketing at the Directorate of Animal Resources for follow up.
Fourth article: Every importer shall keep all documents related to every imported oil shipments for a period of one year at least after the product’ expiry date.
Fifth article: Any breach of the provisions of this decision shall subject the offender to legal prosecution, liable to sanctions stipulated in both the Penal Law and the Consumer protection Law.
Sixth article: This decision shall be published in the official gazette, to be notified when necessary and shall come into force three months after its publication date.

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