Lebanese Republic


Ministry of Economy and Trade launched a new program to accept volunteer students assisting in the Consumer Protection Directorate market surveillance duties

Mon 05 January 2015
Subject: Ministry of Economy and Trade launched a new program to accept volunteer students assisting in the Consumer Protection Directorate market surveillance duties.
 Download: Volunteer Application form ( Doc file )
Shown that improving collaboration and cooperation with academic institutions is a main pillar in our strategic plans to enhance the role and performance of the Consumer Protection Directorate,
And while recognizing that such cooperation will lead to a mutual benefit for all parties.  Volunteer students will have the opportunity to use their high skills and abilities for the benefit of the whole community, and to participate in a training program that joins theory to market surveillance techniques practices. Thus it will allow them to foster the development of knowledge in all areas related to consumer protection in Lebanon. It will also contribute in their future success by increasing their employment opportunities and enhancing their creative, critical thinking and technical competency skills. At the same time, the Consumer Protection Directorate will be benefiting by increasing the number of its manpower, hence enhancing market surveillance and fraud detection.
The Ministry of Economy and Trade is pleased to inform you the launch of a new project to accept volunteer students interested in working at the Consumer Protection Directorate and joining its inspectors’ team in their daily market surveillance patrols,
University students willing to participate in this project are requested to fill the Volunteer Application form   and send it as soon as possible to the following email: iyoussef@economy.gov.lb
For collaboration and more information,  Please Contact Mr. Imad Youssef on: 01/ 982360 -5 ext. 1435 or 03/ 856967

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