Lebanese Republic


Ministry of Economy and Commerce announces the results of the Best Ad Competition to raise awareness about consumer rights

Tue 20 October 2015
In a move aimed at raising awareness about Lebanese consumer rights and duties, the Directorate General of the Ministry of Economy and Trade (MoET) organized a competition for the best ad, in cooperation with Brand Protection Group (BPG).
Held on October 20, 2015 at the ministry’s headquarters in presence of Dr. Samir Abu Nassif, Vice-President of the Lebanese International University (LIU), Dr. Ali Tarabay, LIU Provost, Dr. Adel Daaboul, Dean of the School of Business, Dr. Bassam Al Tarhini, Chairperson of the Marketing Department, representatives from J. Walter Thompson (JWT) Beirut led by CEO Nicolas Jahchan and Director of Consumer Protection Tarek Younes as well as winning students, the initiative comes as part of the consumer protection directorate’s strategic plan for 2015-2016 which was launched on the occasion of the World Consumer Protection Day.
Commenting on the occasion, Mrs. Alia Abbas, General Director at the MoET, stressed on the importance of raising awareness about consumer rights, saying, “The action plan we have primarily set aims to gain access to the strategic goals we strive to achieve, particularly the activation of control over food safety,” adding, “Since the inauguration of this strategy, the ministry has launched a major workshop for the implementation of the goals we have promised the consumer to achieve,” enumerating the achievements which have been achieved, particularly in terms of activating control and increasing awareness.
Mrs. Abbas further added, “The consumer’s awareness and claim of rights are key cornerstones for the protection against commercial fraud practices and the fight against counterfeit goods, monopoly as well as misleading and deceptive advertising. The increase of awareness will boost the effectiveness of official devices and facilitate its supervisory role on the markets by receiving and resolving complaints as soon as possible. It is thus important to highlight the cooperation with these parties, especially the directorate of consumer’s protection, through the preparation of creative and innovative advertising ads that reach the mind of the viewer smoothly.”
Thanking all participating supporters, Mrs. Abbas stressed the great success the competition has received, which will allow its revitalization in the upcoming years to be an additional witness to the importance of partnership between the public and private sectors, especially between administrations and universities, in order to serve the interests of citizens.”  
From his end, Mr. Roger Tanios, Vice President of BPG, delivered a speech, saying, “Awareness, responsibility and communication are the main pillars adopted by Minister Alain Hakim in order to stimulate consumption and consumer protection. These pillars correspond with our BPG’s strategy in the protection of products and brands in Lebanon. The activities undertaken by our association since its founding in 2005 imply the implementation of this strategy. This has allowed the establishment of a successful relationship with the ministry and its officials, which can be considered as an example of the cooperation between the private and public sector for the sake of public interest.” 
Concluding his word, Mr. Tanios stressed, “Awareness is culture, control and development, let us continue for a better Lebanon,” congratulating all winners and thanking the supporting arms which have helped ensure the success of this initiative.”
Towards the end of the event, winning ads were exhibited, and prizes and certificates were distributed to the winners. Student Saad Mohammed Al Kadri won first place for the best ad, in which JWT helped prepare. An LIU group of students won second place under the management of Dr. Bassam Al Tarhini, Head of the Marketing Department at LIU, and in support of the university’s administration. 
Dr. Samir Abu Nassif, Vice-President at LIU, received a certificate of appreciation for the contribution of the university in the preparation of the ads. From his end, Dr. Abu Nassif thanked the ministry for this type of entrepreneurial initiatives which undertakes a positive impact on students’ academic performance and increases their confidence in the Lebanese state.

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