Lebanese Republic


Minister Raed Khoury issued announcement regarding the organization of promotional advertisings

Thu 23 February 2017
Minister of Economy and Trade Raed Khoury issued announcement n 4/1/ET regarding the organization of promotional advertisings, reading as follows:
Pursuant to the Consumer Protection law n°659/2005 notably article 11 related to the misleading advertising and decree n°3380 dated on 5/5/2016 concerning  principles of organizing advertisements related to goods and services, 
Given that the inspection operations performed by the Ministry of Economy and Trade revealed that many companies use ambiguous advertisements to promote goods and services that do not show the real characteristics and prices,
The Ministry of Economy and Trade warns of making use of any illegal methods that intend to mislead the consumer and promote for goods with unreal characteristics and prices. The Ministry also asks all professionals to draft the advertising by using clear terms and abide by article 13 of the said decree: “the advertising should mention the overall and final price of the good, including the cost elements, i.e. the added value tax, any other tax or delivery service charges, if available, otherwise it should be previously calculated”. In addition, the advertisement shall clearly and readably note that these services are paid by the consumer.” In the event the cost elements were mentioned separately given the impossibility to calculate them in advance”, then these elements should be written in the same size and color.
Ministry of Economy declares that it will not tolerate any misleading advertisement not compliant with what was previously mentioned, subject to take legal procedures against the breaching parties and refer them before courts of competent jurisdiction.

Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets