Lebanese Republic


Minister of Economy, issued a warning message to all those who use false status

Mon 19 November 2018

Minister of Economy and Trade Raed Khoury issued a communiqué stating the following: “ the call center at the Consumer Protection Directorate received many complaints from consumers stating that a person called Fady Abi akl claims to be the “authorized agent of the Ministry of Economy and Trade”, exploiting the Ministry’s position in order to influence the consumers and convince them to purchase the electricity meters that he sells; the thing that constitutes a crime of fraud as stipulated in paragraph 4 of article 655 of the Penal Code “Whoever manages, to take over, whether for himself or for others, movable funds or bonds, using fraudulent means, an assumed name or false identity, where that would deceive the victim, shall be sentenced to a minimum prison term of not less than 6 months nor more than 3 years”.

The Ministry will reserve its right to take legal action against Fady Abi Akl and pursue him before the competent courts in order to avoid any unnecessary confusion.

The Ministry of Economy and Trade is keen to confirm to all lebanese citizens and foreigners living in the lebanese territories that it does not assume any commercial activity nor it has any authorized agent to sell the electrical meters in any lebanese region. For this purpose, the Ministry call them to be careful and vigilant when dealing with those people. In addition, it calls the consumer to notify the competent department at the Ministry when such cases occur so the Ministry can take the necessary and appropriate actions against the offenders.   

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