الصفحة الرئيسية
ماذا نقدم
صور فوتوغرافية
الدورات التدريبية
الجائزة اللبنانية للامتياز
دورة تدريبية حول للمساعدين لشرح إطار التقييم المشترك
17 ايلول 2013
QUALEB Event: Conformity Assessment Framework (CAF) Facilitator Training
Date: 17 September 2013
Venue: Qualeb – Ministry of Economy and Trade – Down Town, Beirut
A training monitored by EU senior Excellence expert Mr. Anthony Spanos to the Lebanese Excellence Award Assessors determining the sequence of actions and the role of the facilitators for processing the Public Sector and NGO applications, plus further discussion on the assessment process in terms of potential difficulties and drawbacks during the site visits
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